(Inspection and Work of assembling of Automobile Fuel Pipes)
30,000 yen bonus for joining the company.
"After working for 3 months"
- 仕事内容
(job description) 自動車燃料パイプの検査・組み立て
(Inspection and Work of assembling of Automobile Fuel Pipes)
- 必要資格
(qualification) 特になし
- 勤務地
(workplace) 伊豆の国市田中山1369
- 勤務時間
(working hours) 8時から16時45分
(8:00 a.m.-16:45 p.m.)
- 給与体系
(wage system) 基本時給 1,150円~ / 残業代時給 1,438円~
(basic ¥1,150/h~ / overtime ¥1,438/h~)
- 福利厚生
(welfare) 社会保険/雇用保険有/厚生年金制度/退職金制度有/有給休暇/週休二日制(土曜日、日曜日)
(social Insurance/Employment Insurance/Employees’Pension/Retirement money/paid vacation/five‐day workweek)
(Please contact me if you have any questions.)